Does Islam Teach That Jesus Was Killed?
Bassam Zawadi
Christians such as Sam Shamoun have tried to appeal to Islamic sources to show that they teach that Jesus died. Let us briefly take a look at the so-called pieces of evidence that they have to offer and see if they hold any water.
Does Surah 3:55 and 5:117 say that Allah already made Jesus die?
Harun Yahya sufficiently addresses this in his book Jesus Did Not Die in one Chapter of the Book entitled JESUS (PBUH) WAS NOT KILLED AND IS NOT DEAD; thus, there is no need to 'reinvent the wheel.'
Does Surah 3:144 say that all the messengers before Muhammad (peace be upon him) died?
Sam Shamoun states...
The term which Ali translates as "many were the Apostles," is the Arabic al-russul and is more precisely translated as "THE Apostles." The phrase is inclusive and affirms that all the Apostles before Muhammad have passed away.
Shamoun's statement is inaccurate. The definite article at the beginning of Russul does not necessarily mean "all" the Messengers.
Let me provide a word-by-word translation of the verse in question...
And Muhammad is but a Messenger, passed away before him the messengers.
The verse says that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is only a messenger and that messengers before him have passed away.
Imam Tabari in his commentary stated:
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