Surah 78:33
Dr. Zohurul Hoque & Husain Nuri
78:33 and youths of equal age,
78:33 Regarding the usage of atrâb see 38:52 and 56:37. In the common parlance, the word kawâ'ib is often interpreted to mean a woman whose breasts are becoming prominent, or a full-breasted woman. At the time of revelation, the immediate audience understood the pleasure in paradise in specific terms, mostly in familiar dreams and desire of men. However, the Qur'ânic allegory of the pleasure of the Heaven is always meant to appeal both men and women and intended to reward men and women alike. The Qur'âic text transcends the boundary of society, history and time of revelation, therefore, cannot be limited to the meaning of a particular term in single context. One of the meanings of the root word ka'aba is to become prominent or to become glorified (Râghib, Lisân al-'Arab, Tâj al-'Arus). Thus, when the word is applied to a person, it indicates to the prominence of the person without any reference to his or her sex. When the word is combined with atrâb, it means prominent companions well matched.
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